A/C Leaks Claims

Leaks originating from Air Handlers are a very common cause for water damage in warm weathers like South Florida due to the extreme humidity and constant heat we all endure.

Flood Damage Claims

When you discover water damage, be sure to take photos and make notes of the time, date and visible damage to the structure and any of your belongings.

Broken Drain Lines Claims

Your homeowners insurance is meant to be a safety guarantee against the possibility of damage to your home. Depending on where you live, the requirements and restrictions on what your homeowners insurance does and does not have to cover will change.

Fire Damage Claims

The common question when a place is on fire is “What cause the fire?” A single spark can take a whole building to the ground. But is not just the fire and the smoke that the homeowners and renters have to deal with.

Vandalism & Theft Claims

The most common types of vandalism are slashing tires, broken doors and windows, graffiti, even hacking a system with a virus. Burglary is when someone breaks in to a property with the intention of steal.

Hurricane & Wind Damage

Each summer when the hurricane season arrived our community is full of fear. This devastating storm can damage your property and personal belongings in seconds.

Plumbing Leaks Claims

A Plumbing leak can cost you hundreds of dollars if they are not taking care of. Contact us today for a free inspection of your leaks and don’t let this problem affects you in the future.

Roof Leaks Claims

You can notice it is a roof is bad when shingles are missing, damaged or when you see water stains the walls and ceiling. Finding the origin of the roof leak is difficult, the water can go one place and run down to another.

Mold Damage Claims

One of the nastiest things that can affect your health and property is the Mold. This fungus take over the most unsuspecting locations and can be visible or invisible to the eye It can cause symptoms that will alert you about the problem like Sore eyes, Asthma, Itchy Skin, Sneezing, Coughing and Sore throat.
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