The 7 steps to your claims process

The 7 steps to your claims process


Step 1. Mitigation & Damage Control

To begin you should mitigate all damages occurred in your home. Remember you are responsible of protecting your damaged property from further damage until you have repaired it. Also it is important to remember that early mitigation of damages helps secure the highest settlement for your damages. MAG Property Claims can also help by putting you in contact with our network of experts including general contractors, engineers, roofers, electricians, plumbers, mold inspectors, leak detectors and water restoration companies to name a few.

Step 2. Inspection

Call MAG Property Claims and we will provide a full inspection and evaluation of all the damages at no cost to you. During this procedure we investigate, document, take photos and evaluate all damages in your home.

Step 3. Evaluation and Claim Verification

After the inspection providing all the information on the damages in your home we gather all the facts and determine whether your loss is covered, by helping you check the DEC pages of your insurance policy.

Step 4. Filling the claim

Once we have verified the damages and confirmed that the loss occurred in your home is covered by your insurance policy. We help file a claim, using our expertise to prevent technicalities that dictate your compensation, from the details given over the phone , to proper mitigation of damages.

Step 5. Visits from the Insurance Company’s Adjuster

After you have filed a claim with a MAG Property Claims Adjuster representing you, Your insurance company will do the same and send an adjuster that represents them and serves there needs and works for there interests. These insurance adjusters will come, take their own photos of the damage, write up their own reports, and an estimate for the property damage. Their goal is to gather as many details from conversations with the property owner to details they find that could help them withhold your compensation. Which is why it is in your best interest to not go through this process alone. Your MAG Property Claims adjuster will be with you every step of the way making sure you receive the compensation you deserve for the damages you suffered.

Step 6. Payment

When you receive the first payment of your settlement, be watchful of any documents that ask you to sign away rights such as filing supplemental claims in case of unsatisfactory payment. Payment does not mean your compensation is over and done with.

Step7. Supplemental Claims

Simply because you have received payment does not mean you have to settle. If you find your payment unsatisfactory for the damages suffered, let us re-open the claim and request additional compensation.

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